Essence Bath Rug, 100% Cotton 19oz

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Essence Bath Rug is a premium option. 100% Cotton 19 oz. Face Weight, 3/8" Cotton Pile, Duck Backing, 14oz.

Available Sizes: 17”x24” (Case Pack 12), 20.5”x34” (Case Pack 12), 24”x36” (Case Pack 10), 24”x40” (Case Pack 10)




Wash separately in WARM water. Water level must be high. Load should be 1/2 to 1/3 of machine capacity. Use only mild detergent on gentle cycle. Temperature not to exceed 160 degrees.


Tumble dry on low setting in dryers. Recommended temperature is 140 degrees with 100 degree cool down cycle using steam dryer.

For best results, remove immediately from dryer and lay flat. Commercial laundry is recommended. Residential laundry equipment with aggressive agitator may cause harm to product.


Extreme heat and excessive bleaching with chlorine based products will affect the aesthetic properties of the product face and (if applicable) the latex backing.